communication n. 1.通讯,通知;交换;信息;书信,口信,通报。 2.传达,传授;传播;传染。 3.交通,交通机关;联系,连络(设备)。 4.【宗教】接受圣餐。 a means of communication交通工具。 communication equipment 通讯设备。 cut off communication 切断连络[通讯]。 have no communication with 与…无联系[不通信息]。 in communication with 与…连络[通信息]。 privileged communication 【法律】 1. 法律准许不外泄的内情。 2. 法律准许作为证词而提供的内情〔不构成诽谤罪等〕。
Ssl uses a public key infrastructure to negotiate a mutually acceptable symmetric key cipher and to agree upon and exchange encryption keys between two communication sources ssl使用一个公共密钥基础设施来协商出一个双方都能接受的对称密钥加密,并在通信两端之间交换双方同意的加密密钥。
It is said simply that the traditional internet implement the connection of computer hardware, web implement the connection of page and the grid tries to implement the thorough connection and sharing of all grid sources, such as computing sources, storage sources, communication sources, information sources, knowledge sources and so on 简单地讲,传统因特网实现了计算机硬件的连通,web实现了网页的连通,而网格试图实现互联网上所有资源的全面连通和共享,包括计算资源、存储资源、通信资源、信息资源、知识资源等等[48]。